Helmet Award Sticker Formula
Gold Star Youth Football Player Motivation
I received another email from a coach that follows me online and from my local youth football league. My response is below and a few links about helmet award stickers too.
Do you have any kind of formula you follow when giving out helmet award stickers? Thanks, Coach M
Hey Coach,
We are heading down the rabbit hole here. Easy formula everyone gets 2 to 5 depending on play or something like this below. Takes about an hour.
1 played in game
1 for a win
1 for ball carrier TD
2 or 3 for linemen on TD
1 Mvp offense
1 Mvp defense
1 Mvp game
1 mvp linemen if not others
1 for every 2 or 3 tackles within 5 yards of Los
1 for free safety TD saving tackle
1 for a great play; block 10+ run, sack, creating turnover, great fake
2 for 20+ yard pass completion. Qb/reciever
2 or 3 for turnover recovery
-2 for turnover
-1 for 10+ yard penalty
Good luck
I usually set the Helmet Award Player list up in a Spreadsheet and do all the calculations. I then cut out or pull out the stickers and then put the stickers in little envelopes with names, sticker total and any MVP or special comments. These are like small paychecks to the players. They love sticker day.
The Cost of stickers has risen over the last 20 years or so. I can run between $100 to $300 a season if you give out a ton of stickers. We try to get parents to pay for the expense. The stickers are like GOLD in motivation. Read my article on Gold Star Stickers and Motivation.
We also give out Ice cream sandwiches for great wins or shut outs. Here’s another article on motivating youth football players.
As always head over to CoachParker.org for any youth football coaching tips.
Contact me anytime! and remember to play for Fun and Winning is Funner!
Coach Parker