How Can I Get Better at Football ; a 13 year olds question

Steve “Coach” Parker
2 min readJan 22, 2021


Hey, sir coach I’m 13 and in 8th grade it’s my first time actually playing football on actual team but I have experience with playing with friends. I was wondering if you could give me some tips on what do do and I I got you from youtube

  1. Listen to your coaches and be coachable, do not talk and cut up during practice. 2) Know your position and execute, no excuses not to perform 3) Know your plays and playbook 4) learn all the positions not just yours 4) Listen to everything the coaches say and learn from it 5) put in the work to get better — Coaches hate lazy 6) Go to pre practice, post practice camps extra workouts etc to get better 7) learn from others, watch film on others at your position 😎 find youtube videos on your positions and DVDs 9) ask your coaches for more help if you need it 10) be a leader 11) be a student of the game and learn all you can about it. 12) Learn how to draw up offenses and defenses and why they are good in certain situations — the metal IQ part of the game is very important. 13) practice practice practice do not skip practice 14) do not be afraid to ask you coach questions 15) Have fun and have more fun you are only in 8th grade. 16) If you are not a starter or on B team GET your reps, its all about reps keep working and it will come. 17) Champions are made in the off-season. do not waste your time in from of online games if you want to be a great football player. 18) learn you body and health and eat right take care of your body mind spirit 19) Do your best and give 110% be accountable 20) Be humble and do not brag be a good teammate and opponent 21) Practice and preach good sportsmanship 22) Help other teammates get better- coach others when you get better 23) keep playing with your friends — they are very important in life 24) Love your parents and family they will help you achieve your long term goals 25) Believe in yourself — you can do anything with a good goal, plan, execution, heart and a little luck.

Good luck and skill Coach Parker

